I have finally gathered enough courage to show you what I make. The idea of creating costume came from the fact, that I am a small person and the world seems not to take notice of those who are 5ft tall and size 6-8... then the imagination started to bug my mind and my darling other half added many of his ideas as well. I also discovered I do have a lot of fun making it... so here I am .
Listed items are now available for sale. Here we go:
Lilac suedette hood . Trimmed with multicoloured rope (white/gold/lilac). For sale at £30.00
Plain red cotton/polyester hood. For sale at £20.00
Suede patchwork hood with leather buckles. Sold.
My favourite: Heavy wool, patched fabric with hand sewn leaves and a pipe hood. Perfect for any druidic/ nature loving character, or a hedge wizard. Sold.
Patchwork real suede robe with a hood. Added buckles on the shoulders give an opportunity to fasten pauldrons or secure weapon belts/quivers. For sale at £50.00
Please note the sizes of the robes are actually large and sleeves should reach just a bit lower than an elbow. Due to my poor photographic skills (according to my loving husband) I had to do for the model... Hopefully soon I shall have a suitably sized model.